The term of the contest for the selection of candidates for the Identification Committee on Science has been extended

Published 27 April 2023 year at 13:50
Photo by the – пресслужба Міністерства освіти і науки України

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine announces on the extension of the competition for the selection of candidates for the Identification Committee on Science.

The Identification Committee on Science is formed from domestic and foreign scientists who have significant scientific achievements, an impeccable scientific reputation and trust in the scientific community.

Proposals for candidates for members of the Identification Committee on Science are submitted by Ukrainian and foreign scientific institutions, scientific organizations, public scientific organizations, scientific foundations, as well as international and national science councils.

Self-nomination is not allowed.

Only persons who are doctors on science (doctors on philosophy for foreign scientists) and have experience in leading international projects in the field of science are allowed to participate in the competition. 

The proposal for a candidate for the member of the Identification Committee on Science must contain the following information:

  1. surname, first name of the candidate (for citizens of Ukraine, also the surname and first name according to the passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad);
  2. date of birth, citizenship;
  3. contact details of the candidate: place of actual residence, phone number (work, mobile), e-mail, additional means of communication (skype, viber, messenger, etc.);
  4. links to personal scientific online profiles;
  5. information on scientific degrees: year of receipt, branch of science, full name of the institution of higher education/scientific institution where the defense took place, country;
  6. information on places of work (including part-time) and positions during the last five years (in chronological order, starting with the place of work at the time of submitting the information);
  7. information on the management of international projects (with a list of projects, relevant web links are provided if available);
  8. information on significant scientific achievements: scholarships, prizes, awards, patents, certificates, etc.;
  9. information on membership in public scientific organizations, international and national scientific councils, academies of sciences, etc.;
  10. information on the level of English language proficiency;
  11. information about the scientific reputation of the candidate.

Other information related to education, work experience, professional level, scientific titles, qualifications and business reputation may be provided. 

The following mandatory documents are attached to the offer:

  • a copy of an identity document;
  • copies of documents on education and obtaining a scientific degree;
  • a list of scientific publications, certified by the scientific secretary of the scientific institution or the head of the scientific division of the subject of the submission according to the main place of work of the candidate;
  • written consent of the nominated candidate to the processing of personal data;
  • (for citizens of Ukraine) extract from the decision of the scientific (scientific, scientific, technical, technical) council or governing body (for public scientific organizations, scientific foundations, as well as international and national scientific councils) of the subject of the submission regarding the nomination of the specified candidate, (for citizens of other countries) a letter to the subject of the submission regarding the nomination of the specified candidate;
  • two letters of recommendation from third-party institutions and organizations that are not the candidate's place of work (including part-time).
  • written consent of the nominated candidate to work in the Identification Committee on Science, subject to being elected to its membership;
  • a list of international projects in which the candidate was a manager, certified by an academic secretary or head of a scientific institution or institution of higher education according to the main place of work;
  • (for citizens of Ukraine) a copy of a certificate confirming the level of English language proficiency or a list of at least 10 publications of the candidate in.

English in foreign scientific publications. 

The following documents may also be attached to the offer:

  • copies of patents, certificates, award documents, etc.;
  • documents confirming membership in public scientific organizations, international and national scientific councils, academies of sciences, etc.;
  • other documents confirming the professional level of the candidate and his scientific achievements;
  • resume (CV).

The candidate and the subject of nomination are responsible for the authenticity of the documents.

The deadline for submitting proposals is thirty calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Proposals together with attachments are sent by the subjects of the submission in electronic form to the e-mail of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (E-mail: [email protected], no later than 00:00 a.m. of the last calendar day from the day of publication of the announcement on the official website of the Ministry) and in paper form to the address: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 10 Beresteiskyi Avenue, Kyiv, 01135.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity", a person who:

recognized as incompetent or whose legal capacity is limited by a court decision;

has a criminal record for committing a criminal offense, if such a criminal record has not been expunged or removed in accordance with the procedure established by law;

deprived of the right to hold relevant positions by a court verdict;

found guilty of committing a corruption offense by a court decision - within a year from the date of entry into force of the relevant court decision;

was subject to administrative penalty for an offense related to corruption - within a year from the date of entry into force of the relevant court decision;

falls under the effect of the third and fourth parts of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Purification of Power";

information about which is entered in the Unified State Register of Persons to whom the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Purification of Power" are applied.

is the head of a Ukrainian scientific organization, scientific institution, institution of higher education;

has a potential or actual conflict of interest with other members of the Identification Committee on Science;

works in the same scientific institution, association of scientific institutions, subdivision of a higher education institution with other members of the Identification Committee on Science;

is a close person with other members of the Identification Committee on Science in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption".

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